3. Fill out the information and click create:
Required values
Value | Definition |
Type | Assign an asset type that was created previously |
ID | The asset’s unique ID. Once this is created, it cannot be edited |
Label | The asset’s name |
Group | Grouped by related users, assets, and area |
Optional values
Value | Definition |
Children | Secondary assets that have been created previously |
Owners | The user(s) email managing the asset |
Image | The asset’s image to be kept on record |
Last updated | Timestamp of the asset’s most recent update |
Location updated | Timestamp of the asset’s location update |
Latitude | The latitude of the asset’s map location |
Longitude | The longitude of the asset’s map location |
Description | The asset’s description |
2. Your assets display. You can search or filter the assets you are looking for:
3. Here is a test an asset example:
4. Data information is listed within the data tab: