Feature: Asset level attribute labels (set via
field on normalized asset message)BugFix: Unable to create rule types with nested conditions
BugFix: Duration rules not working correctly
Platform Version: 9.32.0
BugFix: Fix live Live UI updates (broken in 5.79.0)
Platform Version: 9.32.0
BugFix: Give CollectionHandler topic permissions so rule additions/modifications are automatically picked up by the rules engine
Platform Version: 9.32.0
BugFix: Create rule type from UI fails due to ‘already exists’ error
Platform Version: 9.32.0
BugFix: Attributes with hyphens cause queries to fail in dashboards
Platform Version: 9.32.0
BugFix: Collection handler role missing permissions to execute assetTreeOps
Platform Version: 9.32.0
BugFix: Create action and create rule not working
Platform Version: 9.32.0
BugFix: Some dashboard plugin functionality was broken
BugFix: Plots threw an error when no historical data was returned
Enhancement: Default drawer expanded
Enhancement: Navigate to events from the asset's event status summary
Enhancement: Throttle asset MQTT messages on the home map
BugFix: Collection handler role missing permissions
Platform Version: 9.31.3
BugFix: Closing rules are missing links to the rules they close.
BugFix: Home page events do not match asset page events when the asset is moved to a different asset tree.
BugFix: Fix IA store adding incorrect items to cart.
BugFix: Fix IA store empty cart state.
Platform Version: 9.30.11
BugFix: collectionHandler role missing permissions for traverseForInvalidRules
BugFix: Fix IA store
BugFix: Event created at timestamp does not include rule duration time
BugFix: Boolean plots always show false
Platform Version: 9.30.11
BugFix: assetLocationAndStatus fails on the edge due to
. Now we use the sqlite-specificjson_group_array
on the edge
Platform Version: 9.30.11
BugFix: Row grouping on custom attribute without label
Platform Version: 9.30.9
bugfix: remove run_user for azureAuth
Platform Version: 9.30.9
bugfix: child asset open events do not show as open events for parent on home screen
feature: custom roles and permissions
bugfix: add populateAssetHistory to push script
Platform Version: 9.30.9
bugfix: add populateAssetHistory to build script
Platform Version: 9.30.9
bugfix: pullSubscription ack messages before pulling again to avoid duplicates
feature: custom row grouping
enhancement: default color selected map marker
bugfix: page crash when launching IA due to expired authToken
Platform Version: 9.28.8
bugfix: event detail not showing
enhancement: design improvements to IA main menu side panel
bugfix: dashboard customdata widget filters wont save
bugfix: area history plots not showing data
enhancement: dashboard assets queries respect groups
enhancement: make timeout configurable for executeUIQuery
enhancement: allow widget edit from area click
enhancement: duplicate widget level filters button
enhancement: make table rows set to dense dashboard
enhancement: add placeholders widget filter modal conditions inputs
enhancement: dashboard removed edit button for widget when in mobile view
enhancement: dashboard add 15 minute grouping option
enhancement: dashboard id to last updated when in list view
enhancement: compact dashboard timerange filter popover
enhancement: dark mode icon buttons colors mismatch
enhancement: widget filter modal inputs height
bugfix: fix events query
bugfix: hide azure login button
feature: custom ia plugins v1
bugfix: date attribute throws error dashboard
Platform Version: 9.26.3
bugfix: plots missing data
bugfix: asset table filter shouldnt include trees
Platform Version: 9.26.1
bugfix: asset export missing since update
Platform Version: 9.26.1
bugfix: live updates on asset detail page do not work after navigating from home page
Platform Version: 9.26.0
bugfix: asset attribute values on asset detail page reverting to previous state when receiving live updates
enhancement: improve performance of fetching events
bugfix: panel out of range dashboard broken with UI
Platform Version: 9.25.0
bugfix: fix handling of unsigned cert errors
Platform Version: 9.24.17
bugfix: devices fail typeguard and show no device type msg
Platform Version: 9.23.5
bugfix: triggers not editable when no triggerDuration
Platform Version: 9.22.13
bugfix: multiple data points showing up when grouped by ancestor assets
enhancement: 15 minute grouping for dashboards
bugfix: graphs are duplicating data
enhancement: dimension for ancestor asset
bugfix: dashboard performance issues
bugfix: events tabletermittently shows rule IDstead of rule label
bugfix: nested widget
bugfix: operand field cannot handle apostrophe
Platform Version: 9.22.6
bugfix: fix for regex safari
Date: 2022-08-25
Platform Version: 9.22.6
bugfix: fix access on undefined config page restriction
Platform Version: 9.22.6
bugfix: fix default group map zoom
Platform Version: 9.22.5
bugfix: rule type number value stored as string
bugfix: fix pending durations
Date: 2022-08-16
Platform Version: 9.22.0
bugfix: fix normalizerNimbelink syntax error
enhancement: allow asset controls to be restricted from viewers and editors
bugfix: fix width on numberput control
bugfix: fix min and max enforcement for numberput control
feature: default values for controls
enhancement: controls tweaks
enhancement: crease uservitation TTL to 48 hours
enhancement: dashboard widget filter for asset history attributes
bugfix: asset history plot resize issue
bugfix: fix regular expression in attribute schema editor
bugfix: fix object handling in action emitter template
bugfix: metric dimension inputs not allowing user input
enhancement: create live assetLocationAndStatus topic for more performant message relaying
enhancement: allow admin to view all groups when assigning groups to asset types et al
enhancement: improve fetching and caching of event history and action history on event page
bugfix: fix sms action defaults to field to users that do not have a phone number
Platform Version: 9.21.4
bugfix: fix 404 when hitting back button on heatmap page or dashboard page
Platform Version: 9.21.4
bugfix: admin users currently assigned to no groups cannot add themselves to any groups
feature: allow users to configure roles for updating event status
bugfix: editor role unable to create rules
Platform Version: 9.20.3
bugfix: fix is
Date: 2022-07-12
Platform Version: 9.20.3
bugfix: isRoot not syncing in asset tree handler
Platform Version: 9.20.3
bugfix: incorrect values shown for heatmap min and max
Platform Version: 9.20.3
bugfix: unable to update user user edit modal
Platform Version: 9.20.3
bugfix: fix date filter dashboard widgets
Platform Version: 9.20.3
bugfix: unable to proceed past agreement
feature: clone event types
bugfix: asset type edit modal resets values on change
feature: clone rule types
bugfix: remove old triggers for user roles
feature: custom rule ids
bugfix: type column on assets table does not load the first time
Platform Version: 9.19.0
bugfix: address in group modal zoom issue
bugfix: fix permissions error on user roles trigger
Platform Version: 9.19.0
bugfix: dataHistoryForAsset endpoint fails with unexpected return type
bugfix: events route omits area events
feature: text options for edit widget of text attributes
enhancement: plots feature uses two y axes when plotting two unit types
enhancement: automatically generate uuid for new assets
enhancement: basic design tab settings
enhancement: convert fetch code services to fetch table items api
bugfix: fixed home page last updated fields caching
bugfix: attribute gauge resize when receiving updates
bugfix: overflown asset label on asset details page splits word by character instead of by space
bugfix: asset type cache not updated when asset type is updated
bugfix: areas with symbol in id not queryable
Platform Version: 9.17.2
bugfix: images disappearing after upload
Platform Version: 9.17.2
bugfix: unable to update action type
enhancement: optimize icons on upload
bugfix: have to click on user menu item text to trigger onClick
bugfix: edge ui event badge not workin
bugfix: fix event timestamps
Date: 2022-04-12
Platform Version: 9.17.2
bugfix: viewer role missing permissions for fetchPlotData
Platform Version: 9.17.2
bugfix: gauge color only used when light and dark mode variations are configured
bugfix: action payload uses non standard utf8 single quote
Platform Version: 9.17.2
bugfix: gauge not using color setting
Platform Version: 9.17.2
bugfix: gauge breakpoints not showing
Platform Version: 9.17.2
bugfix: general tour causes crash on assets page
bugfix: plots as default history tab selection causes plotting attributes to fail
bugfix: gauge max and min not being displayed
bugfix: return iva if img number
enhancement: asset history export include parent child
bugfix: default group not migrated to use bounds
Platform Version: 9.16.0
bugfix: unable to add children to existing root asset
bugfix: now checking for super admin role in routes
Platform Version: 9.16.0
bugfix: large asset trees can cause asset detail to not load
enhancement: allow normalizer label update
bugfix: unable to toggle checkboxes in asset type edit modal
enhancement: rules engine performance and converted rules removal
bugfix: unable to delete asset types
feature: external links on appdrawer
bugfix: user groups autocomplete fails with more than 10 groups
bugfix: accessTokenManager fails on buffer
Platform Version: 9.16.0
bugfix: farmer doesnt run migration on system creation
feature: item level group permissions
enhancement: create user onboarding flow
enhancement: add password constraints for users
bugfix: asset history filters not applying
feature: remember me
enhancement: allow reset of opcua device and add search to opcua tags results
enhancement: update french translations
enhancement: purge old collection rows
enhancement: opcua tag scanning performance improvement
enhancement: optimize landing page images
bugfix: events page size breaks lifecycle
bugfix: asset type rules not running
bugfix: custom min max not being displayed on gauges
enhancement: improve data structures and error states for edge config
enhancement: improve icon selection with MUI
bugfix: id shown twice in map item details
enhancement: batch messages
enhancement: ignore benign errors in sentry
bugfix: data is always fetched for parent in history timeline
bugfix: custom toString method for assetTree
bugfix: search erases characters
bugfix: fix ungzip in logs for asset
enhancement: set max width on master list
enhancement: improve collapse functionality for tree section
bugfix: selected item remains at top when query changes
bugfix: app uses stale map location after switching users
bugfix: fix heatmap asset details attribute characters
enhancement: disable chrome autocomplete
bugfix: getHeatmapAssetDetails attribute space
bugfix: gauge breakpoints not working with negative breakpoints
bugfix: selected area marker recombines into cluster
bugfix: same id error on map
bugfix: assets url params cause missing assets
Platform Version: 9.14.0
bugfix: too many attributes slows detail page
bugfix: viewers cant create tutorial items
bugfix: remove no location message for area edit modal
bugfix: events unsorted
bugfix: hide custom setting panels on mobile
feature: heatmap
feature: admin setting hide areas rules reports
feature: system setting for custom
enhancement: change default styling for tables across IA
enhancement: apply device config modal search results should only return assets with device type
bugfix: tree view id fallback
bugfix: hide hidden attributes from history filter
bugfix: external events do not contain latest asset data
Platform Version: 9.13.0
bugfix: losing websocket connection can cause errors
enhancement: asset history overhaul
bugfix: createAdapterConfig
bugfix: history table not refreshing most recent
bugfix: use locale date strings
feature: webhook action type
bugfix: reloading home page flashes error message
feature: include images within rich text editor
bugfix: update teamsconfig lib structure
bugfix: invalid asset type with selected item
Platform Version: 9.10.3
bugfix: fetching asset type tree fails for editors and viewers
feature: add edge device type to configuration page
feature: allow configuring custom uri for events generated at the edge
enhancement: add colors and breakpoints to gauges
bugfix: asset creation message with number id breaks tree
enhancement: mobile ui enhancement to Asset comments
enhancement: standardize custom colors
bugfix: autocomplete also has autofill
bugfix: asset history custom date selection flips date and month for certain locales
bugfix: invalid type on assets grid
Platform Version: 9.10.3
bugfix: normalizer symbol reference error
feature: store updates on root should update child
enhancement: add true false colors for boolean attribute settings
bugfix: unable to export assets when sorted by last updated
Platform Version: 9.10.3
bugfix: add getDataHistoryForAssetMap service to devops scripts
enhancement: add relay topic to default normalizer
bugfix: fetchTable fails when sorting by number columns in assets table
bugfix: fetchTable fails when sorting on timestamp cols
bugfix: hide attribute not respected in asset table view
bugfix: propagate location root creates extra history for root
bugfix: map bounds broken in production
enhancement: optimize asset history map
bugfix: asset
Date: 2021-09-07
enhancement: hide updated dates for child that stores updates on root
bugfix: children filtered out of configuration list view
Platform Version: 9.10.3
bugfix: configuration page returns no results on next page
feature: app usage analytics
enhancement: config only shows assets with device type
bugfix: asset type tree reset on upgrade
feature: add number input control and improve slider control
enhancement: interim asset history pagination improvement
enhancement: home page design overhaul
enhancement: add area collections to push script
enhancement: search for asset children by id
bugfix: selecting open event marker turns event off
bugfix: frozen array error with groups
Platform Version: 9.10.3
bugfix: groups in wrong order
Platform Version: 9.10.3
bugfix: hide customer specific migration service
feature: option to store changes on root
feature: display separate marker for child assets not propagating location on asset map
feature: IA Sandbox
feature: add ability to reorder asset children and user groups
enhancement: move assets and areas to useAppServices
bugfix: batch loader doesnt fetch asset type labels in asset page list when selected item isnt in list
bugfix: last updated not updated when event is closed by closing rule
bugfix: groups schema not in push script
bugfix: live updated locations do not persist when switching between assets
bugfix: missing permissions for tour items
bugfix: address duplicate autocomplete
enhancement: add created date to event
bugfix: action template field display error
bugfix: wrong validation ble sampling period
bugfix: events list shows invalid rules when refreshing with an item selected
Platform Version: 9.10.0
bugfix: display rule name in event filters
bugfix: unable to create asset with editor role
feature: extend live updates to asset history breadcrumbs and table
feature: toggle location update propagation
feature: integrate map on groups page
enhancement: type label filter search
enhancement: propagate asset controls through parent child hierarchy
enhancement: store asset tab state in url
enhancement: ms teams embedded images
enhancement: use group label for display
enhancement: show asset id in children autocomplete
enhancement: tweak NimbeLink values
bugfix: cannot move attributes to hidden section for asset history table
bugfix: home page asset tree doesnt load when switching between assets and areas
bugfix: viewer role cannot access own user settings
bugfix: refactoring function that renders columns for events in table view
bugfix: asset tree doesnt load when switching between assets
bugfix: fix create rule not working
bugfix: datetime control has incorrect date format when date is not changed
feature: toggle location update propagation
feature: integrate map on groups page
enhancement: ms teams embedded images
enhancement: use group label for display
enhancement: show asset id in children autocomplete
enhancement: tweak NimbeLink values
bugfix: asset tree doesnt load when switching between assets
bugfix: fix create rule not working
bugfix: datetime control has incorrect date format when date is not changed
enhancement: add history time frame state in url forr assets and areas
enhancement: use batch loader to load rules on events page
bugfix: fix forgot password page not loading properly
bugfix: getLayer undefined after clicking on area in assetmap
feature: add area plots
bugfix: plots apply custom time
bugfix: export encode
bugfix: quick map dots id
fixbug: data from normalizer not getting stored in asset history
bugfix: unable to click asset history breadcrumb when inside area
feature: allow comparing deltas against previous values in rules engine
feature: add date time picker control plugin
enhancement: reduce collection calls assetLocationAndStatus
bugfix: nimbelink desired and reported diff
bugfix: reports handle new return type when fetching timer that doesnt exist yet
feature: add opening event details to action template options
enhancement: include milliseconds in formatted date
bugfix: billing overview crashes with no subscriptions
bugfix: attributes not updated when updates arrive out of order
Platform Version: 9.10.0
bugfix: billing overview crashes with no subscriptions
enhancement: use generic hover label on home map
enhancement: add more props to text widget for asset type inputs
enhancement: change default group to center on us
enhancement: show labels in asset and asset type trees
bugfix: handle errors on dynamic import
bugfix: config page loading forever
feature: hide configuration custom setting
feature: store updates and billing pages
enhancement: show areas on asset detail map
enhancement: make custom view widgets editable
enhancement: remove conditions collection
enhancement: add color coded start and end points to asset location history
enhancement: is centralized help text update
enhancement: config should use old check in rate
bugfix: shared location markers not always displayed
bugfix: map marker shifts on collision with map edge
bugfix: pagination and sort broken in apply modal
bugfix: attribute labels populating label field if overridden in rule type config
feature: native nimbelink config page
enhancement: display asset name when hovering on map
enhancement: mark area address
enhancement: notify plot dataset limits
bugfix: polygon missing for new areas
bugfix: asset location breadcrumb arrows are reversed
bugfix: area history export incorrect filename
feature: add areaLocationAndStatus and areaHistory
feature: rule timeframes extending into next day
enhancement: optimize fetchTable for fetching assets
enhancement: use attribute labels when building rule types
bugfix: plot timestamps inconsistent
bugfix: plot xaxis labels cluttered
bugfix: suspect data not fetched
bugfix: map centered in austin
bugfix: asset history owner types
bugfix: plot selection grid loses sort
bugfix: phone number in tester
bugfix: editing child asset opens modal for top level asset
bugfix: selecting rule type in rule form clears rule name
feature: centralized system for asset management
feature: add allInclusive option to rule entity selection
feature: indicate open events for area
bugfix: dates asset history showing incorrectly
bugfix: asset history breadcrumbs not sorted correctly
bugfix: parsing asset history for sort
feature: live event updates
feature: port clearrail logs and plots
enhancement: make all events mutually exclusive
bugfix: NL config portal not always showing device sync box
feature: report page
enhancement: devops make customer name required when building
enhancement: display asset and type labels instead of ids in rule previews
enhancement: include default event types rule types and user list action
enhancement: release notes in about modal
bugfix: rulesEngine adds disabled rules on start
bugfix: NL config portal not always showing device sync box
bugfix: area type submit including controls schema in request
bugfix: asset chip on events overflows
bugfix: view selected undoes live asset update
bugfix: admin route behaving unexpectedly
feature: clone asset type functionality
feature: clone rule functionality
feature: service for adding new product or bundle
feature: ability to disable rules
enhancement: nimbelink config portal modifications
enhancement: attributes allow other characters
bugfix: app sometimes errors when receiving live asset update messages
bugfix: eventstatuscard type assertion causing error
bugfix: tour blocks screen
bugfix: table double scrollbars
bugfix: fullscreen not working safari
bugfix: number field in asset type edit modal
bugfix: viewer should not edit
bugfix: custom true false not displaying
Platform Version: 9.10.0
bugfix: too many rerenders in store
feature: Intro To IA Tour And Support
enhancement: turn on store by default
enhancement: show version of app in about modal
enhancement: IA provisioning validations
enhancement: use email template for new user invitation
enhancement: hide update event handler user
enhancement: frontend error reporting
enhancement: change urls to IA
bugfix: map flight starts in austin
bugfix: error when selecting controls on new asset type
bugfix: relationship value from rule type not getting added to new rules
feature: custom templates for messages in actions
feature: add enabled to selectively hide filters
feature: send slack teams msg
enhancement: add timelapse for last updated
enhancement: clean up store for new bundles
enhancement: dynamic terms and conditions for develop
enhancement: add
enhancement: folder for storing test stripe id data
enhancement: add total and city to orders
bugfix: error when adding duplicate email for new user
bugfix: image attribute not resizing prioritize img width
bugfix: image attribute not resizing
bugfix: add asset types collection to push script
bugfix: layout for attributes not applied across asset type
bugfix: shared coordinates popover only showing 10 assets
bugfix: assets updated with future dates
feature: customize all table columns
feature: ble and temperature support for nimbelink normalizer
enhancement: show flyout in map fullscreen
enhancement: update action payload and default message in actionEmitter
enhancement: replace useNavigate with link
bugfix: unable to delete group
bugfix: fix forgot password permissions
bugfix: fetchtable running continuously
enhancement: make asset tree scrollable
bugfix: repeated asset name in asset history table when using parent child
bugfix: events table sort causes rule column to show uuid
enhancement: set all stream services to autorestart
enhancement: add real pagination and filtering to getEventsForAsset
enhancement: consolidate custom settings
bugfix: invalid type flashes while loading
bugfix: checkout button not disabled for empty cart
feature: asset controls
enhancement: assetLocationAndStatus pass fetched type to rules topic
bugfix: user receiving muliple emails for system creation
feature: store v1
feature: custom setting for satelitte map view
enhancement: show custom data in home map popup
bugfix: show correct attribute label in asset history table
bugfix: fix deleteCustomSettings
bugfix: asset history table use custom view settings label for true false values and show correct value
bugfix: history table column title attribute owner position
feature: allow custom file name when exporting assets
enhancement: combine table cols if attribute label and id match
enhancement: combined asset location status topic
bugfix: map still not showing on firefox
Platform Version: 9.10.0
bugfix: add back missing groupFilterLib library
Platform Version: 9.10.0
bugfix: refactor custom columns
feature: support multiple google cloud subscriptions
enhancement: rules graph
enhancement: rulesEngine remove redundant promises
enhancement: sticky headers crudgrid
enhancement: crudgrid cell maxwidth
bugfix: all condition event contains extra assets
bugfix: duplicate events
bugfix: asset map not showing on firefox
feature: merge parent child
feature: add support for hyperlinks in descriptions
feature: add custom true false labels for boolean attributes
enhancement: larger asset map
enhancement: mobile edit modals
enhancement: remove json rules engine and optimize rules engine
enhancement: mobile UI improvements
bugfix: map fullscreen mobile doesnt work
bugfix: rules engine broken due to tree
bugfix: asset page freezes without types
bugfix: events map not centering on selected item
bugfix: prettier added breaking comma to some pulled services
bugfix: logo image broken
bugfix: creating area map zooms in on Austin
Platform Version: 9.10.0
bugfix: using zoom controls on map moves map center around
bugfix: closing rules are not updating event history collection
bugfix: action history not showing on event detail page
bugfix: uuids showing on event table on asset detail
bugfix: area rules not working
Platform Version: 9.10.0
bugfix: columns with json values cause table to crash
bugfix: detail links broken
bugfix: status not updated
bugfix: area covers map markers
bugfix: fix map drawer
bugfix: boolean widget showing no data when false
feature: add link to nimbelink configuration
feature: simple filter modal
feature: allow sorting by custom data properties on backend
feature: export custom asset data
feature: update default normalizer and lock assetLocationAndStatus
feature: navigate to events detail from assets
feature: create 404 page
feature: replace pub sub adapter with ipm
feature: add centralized action selection
feature: hide asset area attributes
feature: contact dropdown for actions
feature: filter asset history by date time range
feature: blade runner test automation
feature: help text layout and theme
feature: clickable logo and mobile logo
feature: vscode extensions list
feature: hide panels shortcut
feature: global current breakpoint
feature: theme editor
feature: forgot password backend
feature: export asset data
feature: export asset history data
feature: events on assets page
feature: link view widget
feature: update profile info
feature: id not found snackbar
feature: forgot password
feature: profile page
feature: useSSL for messaging
feature: action types submit
feature: live updates websockets
feature: map clusters
feature: reorder custom attributes
feature: home page tweaks
feature: events page
feature: home page
feature: action types page
feature: react intl area types
feature: area types page
feature: portal layout configuration
enhancement: async autocomplete fetches on demand
enhancement: sort events by reverse chronological order by default
enhancement: only include necessary area and asset properties in events
enhancement: review newUserEmail
enhancement: separate routes for master detail sections and improved view for master detail on mobile
enhancement: display custom attributes on map popover
enhancement: remove tree from profile card
enhancement: push roles and shared caches
enhancement: search by custom ids and custom data
enhancement: add git commit hash to about modal
enhancement: fetch up to 1000 assets and areas on home map
enhancement: roles for new user more meaningful
enhancement: cache files with service worker and prompt user to refresh when update is available
enhancement: change title variant for attributes
enhancement: decide key values to display in profile card
enhancement: action history for events page improvement
enhancement: remove history button from events
enhancement: increase elevation of cards in modal
enhancement: remove deprecated one way sync impl
enhancement: bandwidth sms integration
enhancement: default to clearblade color and logo
enhancement: new asset automatically picks group
enhancement: admin only theme and brand settings
enhancement: use asset id if no label
enhancement: incorporate new color picker
enhancement: bandwidth sms integration
enhancement: remove custom
enhancement: move dark mode to settings
enhancement: layout panel tweaks
enhancement: default select event asset
enhancement: map drawer pushes
enhancement: on left removal
enhancement: remove rememberMe and signUp
enhancement: uuid assettypes areatypes eventtypes
bugfix: material table sorting timestamps incorrectly
bugfix: empty string for all values of rules not selecting all option on load
bugfix: table not always fullscreen
bugfix: map local custom settings per instance
bugfix: async lock duplicate assets
bugfix: show custom data again in asset export
bugfix: allow zero in simple filter inputs
bugfix: clarify selected asset on details map
bugfix: hide all roles except Viewer Editor Admin
bugfix: hide passwordhandler user
bugfix: home search error
bugfix: sort arrows pointing wrong direction
bugfix: validation error when selecting any asset on edit rules
bugfix: asset history table not fetching all rows
bugfix: remove blocking lock assetLocationAndStatus
bugfix: overlapping markers can only select one asset
bugfix: rules engine only pulls first page of items
bugfix: search clears other url params
bugfix: rules engine checks every asset
bugfix: material table auto layout freeze
bugfix: migration plan for user list
bugfix: toggle switch render no data when false
bugfix: action history shows failure for email actionType
bugfix: rules dont work for all asset types or all area types
bugfix: id prefix showing multiple times
bugfix: crowded timestamps on history charts
bugfix: rule type create autofills
bugfix: closed state typeahead in rule form throws error
bugfix: allow dashes in custom attribute names
bugfix: display gauge custom view setting units
bugfix: show new roles on user update
bugfix: create rule not working
bugfix: assettype edits despite hitting cancel
bugfix: fix for create new user
bugfix: drag rearrange stopped working
bugfix: uninitialized changed date column
bugfix: websocket disconnect causes error when subscribing
bugfix: createAreas and updateAreas missing permissions
bugfix: area image uses wrong input
bugfix: test bug fix 2bug
fix: test bug fix
bugfix: fix asset page update no showing up
feature: testing assetmodel release notes
bugfix: test bug fix 2bug
fix: test bug fix
Date: 2020-09-08
Platform Version: 9.10.0
feature: testing assetmodel release notes
bugfix: test bug fix 2bug
fix: test bug fix
Date: 2020-09-08
Platform Version: 9.10.0
bugfix: test bug fix 2
Date: 2020-09-08
Platform Version: 9.10.0
bugfix: test bug fix
Date: 2020-09-04
Platform Version: 9.10.0