Here is an asset creation video.
Assets list/table/tree views
1. Click Assets on the left menu:
Zoom in and out by using the plus and minus icons:
Asset details page
4. Here is an asset example:1. Below are details of an example asset.
52. Data is listed within the data tab:
In this example, click the attribute history icon to view the attribute’s history:
63. Historical information is listed within the history tab:
You can switch from plots to timeline maps or tables. You can also specify a date range and search for certain attributes.
74. Control information is listed within the controls tab:
Controls allow you to interact with and perform various actions on an asset (turn on/off a light, request logs, etc.)
85. Event information is listed within the events tab:
The refresh icon on the top right of the table refreshes it. The ellipsis icon allows you to edit the table’s columns.
96. You can add comments within the comments tab:
107. You can add an image within the images tab:
118. Click the simulate icon on the top right of the asset’s page to simulate your asset: