General notes:
Version numbers are formatted as x.y.z where x=major version, y=minor version and z=patch version
Regarding Blue/Green upgrades:
Blue/Green upgrades can be performed on environments running version a.b.c or newer.
ClearBlade only guarantees compatibility between one minor version and the next.
If an environment needs to be upgraded from one version to another in a Blue/Green fashion where the origin and target versions are separated by more than one minor version, then:
Multiple upgrade steps are required.
The steps must upgrade the environment to each of the minor versions between the origin and target versions.
Only one step per minor version is required.
Although a step can be used to upgrade to any patch version within a minor version, it is recommended that the latest patch version is chosen. This is because the latest patch version is likely to incorporate the most bug fixes.
For example, if upgrading from 9.36.2 to 9.38.0 either of these series of steps can be used:
9.36.2 -> 9.37.2 -> 9.38.0
9.36.2 -> 9.37.4 -> 9.38.0 (recommended)