Differences from IoT Core
ClearBlade IoT Enterprise allows for running many types of IoT solutions. This includes building your own IoT Platform or using template solutions like IoT Core and Intelligent Assets.
Today, every IoT Core registry is a system running on an IoT Enterprise instance.
Basic feature comparison
IoT Core
Organized by registry
Registries contain devices that:
Can send only telemetry or state-specific MQTT topics
Can receive commands or controls on specific MQTT topics
All data flows into Google Pub/Sub
Fixed API endpoints for communication with the registry
IoT Enterprise
Organized by systems
Systems contain users, devices, and edges and allow for the creation of new data structures
Systems allow for authoring micro-services that can:
Execute logic
Subscribe and publish information to MQTT
Make HTTP calls
Make available as public webhooks
Send data to other systems like Pub/Sub, Kafka, or MQTT brokers
Systems have a full MQTT broker, allowing topic patterns
Systems can create and deploy logic to edges
And much more.
IoT Core registries run on IoT Enterprise instances running as Kubernetes clusters in a cloud region. This results in having a private instance of the IoT Core solution running a private dedicated Kubernetes cluster.
Advantages of IoT Core on IoT Enterprise
Private IoT Core registries
IoT Core registries running in any cloud or cloud region
Remove IoT Core’s limits and constraints
Extend IoT Core’s functionality
An IoT Core solution is comprised of many systems running on IoT Enterprise. IoT Core has an administrative system named IoT Admin that manages all registries.
IoT Admin → 1 system
Contains the list of all IoT Core registries being hosted
Includes the list of all users
Serves APIs for managing IoT Core registries
IoT Core registries → Many systems (one for each registry)
Contains a device and gateway listing
Contains Pub/Sub configuration
Provides device-level APIs.
Getting started with IoT Core on IoT Enterprise
IoT Enterprise provides a backend view to IoT Core registries, called the IoT Enterprise console, and is hosted as a web-based IDE. IoT Enterprise developers can log into this environment and see each registry’s underlying logic.
IoT Core running on IoT Enterprise will also include the standard IoT Core web page. Users can create accounts there and can create registries available in the standard user interface.