ClearBlade IoT Core Pricing

This page provides ClearBlade IoT Core pricing details.

Prices are in USD.


ClearBlade IoT Core is priced according to the data volume used in a calendar month:

Monthly data volume

Price per MB

Registered devices

Minimum charge*

Up to 250 MB


Unlimited, within QPS maximums

1024 bytes

250 MB to 250 GB


Unlimited, within QPS maximums

1024 bytes

250 GB to 5 TB


Unlimited, within QPS maximums

1024 bytes

5 TB and above


Unlimited, within QPS maximums

1024 bytes

Data volume is based on data exchanged by devices that are connected to ClearBlade IoT Core. There is no charge for create, read, update, and delete operations through the device manager.

If you use ClearBlade IoT Core with Cloud Pub/Sub, then you will also be billed separately for consuming Cloud Pub/Sub resources.

*The minimum charge is for a 1024-byte message:

Billable messages



Nonbillable messages


Compressed HTTP requests

As noted in Using the HTTP Bridge, a device can send gzip-compressed data to ClearBlade IoT Core over the HTTP bridge.

Billing for telemetry event payloads and device state payloads is calculated using the uncompressed size of each request.

For example, if a telemetry event payload was 256 KB before compression, and the compressed payload is 10 KB, you will be charged for the uncompressed 256 KB data, not the compressed size.

Pricing examples

MQTT bridge examples

The following examples apply specifically to devices using the MQTT bridge.

PINGREQ messages only example

Say that you have 10,000 devices, each of which is connected to ClearBlade IoT Core over an MQTT connection. Even if the devices don't send any telemetry events or state data over a one month period, they will still send PINGREQ messages to ClearBlade IoT Core in order to keep the MQTT connection alive. The frequency of the PINGREQs depends on the keep-alive value for each connection. Even though a PINGREQ may be only a few bytes, any messages smaller than 1024 bytes are still charged as if they were 1024 bytes, because 1024 bytes is the minimum data size used for billing.

If you set the keep-alive value for your devices to 15 minutes, then each device would send a PINGREQ at least every 15 minutes. The total data volume for just the PINGREQ messages would be 27.47 GB, calculated as follows:

10,000 devices * 96 PINGREQs/device per day * 30 days * 1024 bytes = 27.47 GB

Taking into account the free data volume up to 250 MB, and the fact that the price per MB is $0.0045 in the 250 MB to 250 GB range, the pricing per month would use the following formula:

(27.47 GB - 250 MB) * $0.0045 = $125.46

HTTP bridge examples

The following examples apply specifically to devices using the HTTP bridge.

Basic pricing example

Say that you have 10,000 devices connected to ClearBlade IoT Core. Each device sends one HTTP request every 30 minutes, and each request is 1024 bytes in size. Each HTTP request results in a response, and even though a response may be only a few bytes, the minimum billing size of 1024 bytes applies. The total data volume in a month would be 27.46 GB, calculated as follows:


10,000 devices * 48 messages/device per day * 30 days * 1024 bytes = 13.73 GB


10,000 devices * 48 messages/device per day * 30 days * 1024 bytes = 13.73 GB

Total data volume:

13.73 GB (Requests) + 13.73 GB (Responses) = 27.46 GB

Taking into account the free data volume up to 250 MB, and the fact that the price per MB is $0.0045 in the 250 MB to 250 GB range, the pricing per month would use the following formula:

(27.46 GB - 250 MB) * $0.0045 = $125.41

Monthly pricing example for small messages

Say that you have 50,000 devices connected to ClearBlade IoT Core. Each device sends one HTTP request every 30 minutes, and each request is 5 bytes in size. Any messages smaller than 1024 bytes are still charged as if they were 1024 bytes, because 1024 bytes is the minimum data size used for billing. Each HTTP request results in a response, and even though a response may be only a few bytes, the same minimum size of 1024 bytes applies. The total data volume in a month would be 137.32 GB, calculated as follows:


50,000 devices * 48 messages/device per day * 30 days * 1024 bytes = 68.66 GB


50,000 devices * 48 messages/device per day * 30 days * 1024 bytes = 68.66 GB

Total data volume:

68.66 GB(Requests) + 68.66 GB (Responses) = 137.32 GB

Taking into account the free data volume up to 250 MB, and the fact that the price per MB changes to $0.0045 in the 250 MB to 250 GB range, the pricing per month would use the following formula:

(137.32 GB - 250 MB) * $0.0045 = $631.65

Monthly pricing example for large messages

Consider a case where you have 50,000 devices connected to ClearBlade IoT Core. Each device sends one HTTP request every minute, and each message is 8192 bytes in size. Each request results in a response, and even though a response may be only a few bytes, any messages smaller than 1024 bytes are still charged as if they were 1024 bytes, because 1024 bytes is the minimum size used for billing. The total data volume in a month would be about 18.1 TB, calculated as follows:


50,000 devices * 1,440 messages/device per day * 30 days * 8192 bytes = 16.1 TB


50,000 devices * 1,440 messages/device per day * 30 days * 1024 bytes = 2 TB

Total data volume:

16.1 TB (Requests) + 2 TB (Responses) = 18.1 TB

Taking into account the free data volume up to 250 MB, and the fact that the price per MB changes from $0.0045 in the 250 MB to 250 GB range to $0.002 in the 250 GB to 5 TB range, and then to $0.00045 for anything above 5 TB, the pricing per month would use the following formula:

(250 GB - 250 MB) * $0.0045 + (5 TB - 250 GB) * $0.002 + 13.1 TB * 0.00045 = $17,305.99