Control messages: Attaches a device to the gateway or detaches a device from the gateway. These messages are sent between the gateway and ClearBlade IoT Core. ClearBlade IoT Core accepts control messages only from gateways; if another device type of device attempts to send a control message, ClearBlade IoT Core closes the connection.
Messages from gateways and devices: Can be relayed by the gateway on a device’s behalf or sent directly from the gateway.
System error messages: When the gateway is subscribed to the MQTT system error topic on the device’s behalf, ClearBlade IoT Core sends error messages whenever the device encounters an error.
Code Block |
// const deviceId = `myDevice`; // const gatewayId = `mygateway`; // const registryId = `myRegistry`; // const projectId = `my-project-123`; // const region = `us-central1`; // const algorithm = `RS256`; // const privateKeyFile = `./rsa_private.pem`; // const serverCertFile = `./roots.pem`; /** * @see https://clearblade.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/IC/pages/2210299905/Retargeting+Devices#Production-URL-%2F-URLs for a full URL list of URLs */ // const mqttBridgeHostname = `us-central1-mqtt.clearblade.com`; // const mqttBridgePort = 8883; // const clientDuration = 60000; const mqttClientId = `projects/${projectId}/locations/${region}/registries/${registryId}/devices/${gatewayId}`; console.log(mqttClientId); const connectionArgs = { host: mqttBridgeHostname, port: mqttBridgePort, clientId: mqttClientId, username: "unused", password: createJwt(projectId, privateKeyFile, algorithm), protocol: "mqtts", qos: 1, secureProtocol: "TLSv1_2_method", ca: [readFileSync(serverCertFile)], }; // Create a client and connect to the ClearBlade MQTT bridge. const client = mqtt.connect(connectionArgs); client.on("connect", (success) => { if (!success) { console.log("Client not connected..."); } else { setTimeout(() => { // Subscribe to gateway error topic. client.subscribe(`/devices/${gatewayId}/errors`, { qos: 0 }); attachDevice(deviceId, client); setTimeout(() => { console.log("Closing connection to MQTT. Goodbye!"); client.end(true); }, clientDuration); // Safely detach the device and close the connection. }, 5000); } }); client.on("close", () => { console.log("Connection closed"); shouldBackoff = true; }); client.on("error", (err) => { console.log("error", err); }); client.on("message", (topic, message) => { const decodedMessage = Buffer.from(message, "base64").toString("ascii"); console.log(`message received on error topic ${topic}: ${decodedMessage}`); }); client.on("packetsend", () => { // Logging packet send is very verbose }); |
Error codes and error handling
Error code | Description | Recommended action |
GATEWAY_ATTACHMENT_ERROR | A gateway attachment request failed. | Do not retry without fixing the problem. |
GATEWAY_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND | The gateway could not find an attached device to handle an incoming message. | Do not retry without fixing the problem. |
GATEWAY_INVALID_MQTT_TOPIC | The gateway could not parse the specified MQTT topic, which was ill-formatted or contained an invalid device ID or name. | Do not retry without fixing the problem. |
GATEWAY_UNEXPECTED_PACKET_ID | The gateway could not process the message based on its packet ID. For example, a PUBACK may have contained a packet ID, but nothing awaited the response. | Do not retry without fixing the problem. |
GATEWAY_UNEXPECTED_MESSAGE_TYPE | The gateway received unexpected messages, such as unsupported PUBREL, PUBREC, etc. | Do not retry without fixing the problem. |
GATEWAY_DETACHMENT_DEVICE_ERROR | The gateway detached a device because of a device error. | Do not retry without fixing the problem. |
UNKNOWN | The error is unknown. | Retry using exponential backoff. |