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This page explains how to use truncated exponential backoff to ensure that your devices do not generate excessive load.


You are strongly encouraged to implement truncated exponential backoff with introduced jitter to avoid triggering these limits. If you have questions or would like to discuss the your algorithm’s specifics of your algorithm, send an email to providing the following with this information:

  1. Name of IoT Core registry name

  2. Number of devices connected

  3. Industry

Truncated exponential backoff is a standard error-handling strategy for network applications. In this approach, a client periodically retries Clients will periodically retry a failed request with increasing delays between requests. Clients should use truncated exponential backoff for all requests to ClearBlade IoT Core that return HTTP 5xx and 429 response codes and disconnections from the MQTT server.


  • The wait time is min(((2^n)+random_number_milliseconds), maximum_backoff), with n incremented by 1 for each iteration (request).

  • random_number_milliseconds is a random number of milliseconds less than or equal to 1000. This helps to avoid cases in which some situation synchronizes many clients are synchronized by some situation , and all retry at once, sending requests in synchronized waves. The value of random_number_milliseconds value is recalculated after each retry request.

  • maximum_backoff is typically 32 or 64 seconds. The appropriate value depends on the use case.
