Advanced reports

Advanced reports

See Add report for information on how to add a report. When 'Advanced' is selected, the following page will display, including a place to enter a code service name:


A sample code service that could be used in an advanced report is provided below.

function sample(req,resp){ var reportObj = { columns: [{ columnType: "text", field: "YOUR_FIELD", title: "YOUR FIELD" }, { columnType: "text", field: "YOUR_OTHER_FIELD", title: "YOUR OTHER FIELD" }], data: [] }; function getAllAssets() { var assetsCollection = ClearBladeAsync.Collection('assets'); var query = ClearBladeAsync.Query(); query.equalTo('type', 'YOUR_ASSET_TYPE'); return assetsCollection.fetch(query).then(function (results) { return results.DATA; }); } getAllAssets().then(function(allAssetDetails) { for (var x = 0; x < allAssetDetails.length; x++) { var row = {}; //fields ex: id, label, custom_data, location row.YOUR_FIELD =allAssetDetails[x].YOUR_FIELD row.YOUR_OTHER_FIELD = allAssetDetails[x].YOUR_OTHER_FIELD reportObj.data.push(row); } resp.success(reportObj); }).catch(function (reason) { console.error('failed: ', reason); resp.error(reason); }); }


Further resources: Code services, Code services tutorial, ClearBlade async docs

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