ClearBlade config

ClearBlade config

Title = "ClearBlade Configuration File" [Buckets] QueueEmptyIntervalSecs = 5 # Number of seconds to wait before emptying queue full of file storage system events MaxFilePacketSize = 2048 # Maximum number of bytes that can be copied/transferred in a single RPC packet RootDir = "$GOPATH/src/clearblade/blade-runner/clearblade_edge_buckets" # Root path to buckets GoogleBucketName = "clearblade-buckets" # The Google Cloud storage bucket name to use DefaultEdgeStorageType = "local" # Use the local file system DefaultPlatformStorageType = "google" # Use an already-configured Google bucket instance MaxParallelSyncEvents = 10 # Max number of goroutines processing a bucket's sync queue [Cluster] HostAddress = "" # The IP address for other clustered nodes to contact this platform EnableHAProxyController = false # Enable the HAProxy controller to handle dynamic cluster nodes [DataUsage] DataUsageDBFlushIntervalSeconds = 300 # How often does the data usage collector flush the info to the DB MaxDataUsageDataExpirationMinutes = 131400 # (3 months) Used to set the expiry in minutes for MQTT/HTTP usage data GoogleMinMessageSizeBytes = 1024 # Messages below this size will be set equal to GoogleMinMessageSizeBytes [Database] DBStore = "postgres" # Database store to use. Postgres for platform and SQLite for edge DBType = "postgres" # Similar to DBStore. Postgres for platform and SQLite for edge DBHost = "" # The database server's address DBPort = "5432" # Database port DBUsername = "myUser" # Username for connecting to the database DBPassword = "myPassword" # Password for connecting to the database MaxMySQLDBConnections = 5 # Max number of connections to MySQL to open per collection MongoOperationTimeoutSeconds = 60 # Mongo operation timeout in seconds MongoMaxPoolSize = 100 # Maximum connection pool size for Mongo DisableDBRecoveryMode = false # Disables database recovery mode. The platform will go into a crash restart loop if it cannot connect to a database DisableTimescale = false # Disables timescale. This option is ignored on the edge [Debug] DisablePprof = true # This will disable pprof output file and web-server creation if set to true PprofCPUInterval = 600 # The length of time, in seconds, to wait between successive pprof CPU profile generations PprofHeapInterval = 600 # The length of time, in seconds, to wait between successive pprof heap profile generations PprofLatencyInterval = 600 # The length of time, in seconds, to wait between successive pprof latency profile generations PprofMaxFiles = 30 # The maximum number of CPU and heap profiles to retain. 0 indicates keeping all of them PprofMaxFileAge = 1440 # The maximum amount of time, specified in minutes, in which to retain CPU and heap profile data files EnablePrometheus = true # Collect debug metrics and expose Prometheus exporter endpoints BrokerQosLogging = false # Extra debug logging around QoS storage in the broker [EdgeMonitoring] MaxEdgeMonSizeDays = 365 # Number of days of events to store in the database table. [Engine] PreloaderRequestTimeoutSeconds = 60 MaxLegacyServiceLogLines = 2500 HotSwapUserCtx = true MessageQueueLength = 10000 EventQueueLength = 10000 [FileHostingConfig] URL = "http://localhost:8915" # URL with a port for the file hosting server EdgeBinaryLocation = "/edge/" # Location where the edge binaries are stored on the file hosting server [HTTP] HttpPort = ":9000" # Listen port for the HTTP server HttpMTLSPort = ":9001" # Listen port for the HTTP mTLS server HttpURL = "https://platform.clearblade.com" # The platform's external URL TimeProfile = -1 # Enables time profiling of HTTP requests (in ms). Default is disabled (-1) GzipResponses = true # gzip HTTP responses if HTTP client supports it [IotCore] DeviceNumIdColumn = "numid" # Column in the device table representing the device numerical ID in IoT Core DeviceTimestampCacheSeconds = 300 # How often to dump device timestamps from cache to DB [KVStore] Store = "local" # Specifies which KVStore to use. Supported stores are local and Redis Address = "" # The Redis server's address. Empty if using a local store Port = "" # Redis port. Empty if using a local store Password = "" # Redis username. Empty if using a local store LocalCacheReaperIntervalSeconds = 60 # How often to scan the local cache and delete expired keys DeviceCacheExpirySeconds = 10 # How long to keep entries in the local device cache [LeanMode] LeanMode = false # Stop storing analytics, message history, and code logs. Takes precedence over the next three variables StoreAnalytics = true # Stop storing analytics if set to false StoreMessageHistory = true # Stop storing message history if set to false StoreCodeLogs = true # Stop storing code logs if set to false DefaultCodeLogsTTLMinutes = -1 # When < 0, use the DB schema default (7 days); otherwise, use this value MaxPageSize = 1000 # Maximum page size for analytics calls MaxAuditTrailDays = 7 # Number of days of audit trail to keep MaxAuditTrailCounts = 500 # Max number of audit trail entries per (asset_class,action_type) DisableDebugGoroutines = false # Disable all goroutines that print debug info MaxNotificationHistory = 500 # Max number of notification history entries FailedServiceStorageTimeHours = 72 # Time to keep failed runs in the DB before deletion FailedServiceCleanerIntervalMinutes = 60 # Time between delete calls to failed services CodeLogCleanerIntervalMinutes = 30 # Time between delete calls to code logs [License] PKey = "" # Platform key issued by ClearBlade RegistrationKey = "" # Key required for creating a new developer account AutoRenewLicense = false # (bool) attempt to auto-renew license LicenseRenewalWebhook = "" # (string) where to request a new license from LicenseAutoRenewDays = 15 # (int) how many days until expiry should we start trying to renew the license PlatformID = "" # (string) the license's registration ID [Locks] MaxLockTime = 60 # Number of seconds to hold the lock before forcing an unlock MaxLockWaitTime = 120 # Number of seconds to wait for the lock before giving up and returning an error BumpInterval = 60 # Number of seconds in-between wait queue bumps to prevent locks from getting stuck CheckLockLock = false # Whether to check Lock(); Lock(); sequence which is valid in our JavaScript EnableBumpingWaitQueue = false # Should we periodically bump the wait queues to prevent locks from getting stuck [Logging] LoggingEnabled = true # Enable or disable logging LogLevel = "debug" # Raise minimum log-level (super,debug,info,warn,error,fatal) Logfile = "" # The logfile's location. If the value "stderr" or "stdout" are supplied, then it will forward to their respective file handles MaxLogFileSizeInKB = 50000 # Maximum size of the log file before rotation in KB. Default 50MB. Must be greater than 100 KB. -1 indicates no limit. Only used when Logfile is set and not stdout/stderr MaxLogFileBackups = 1 # Maximum backups of the log file. Must be greater than 0 Includes = "" # Categories to log. If empty, all categories are logged. Works in concert with log level Excludes = "" # Categories not to log. If empty, no categories are excluded. Works in concert with log level LogFormat = "plain" # Valid formats are plain, json [MQTT] BrokerTCPPort = ":1883" # The MQTT broker's listen port BrokerTLSPort = ":1884" # The MQTT broker's TLS listen port BrokerWSPort = ":8903" # The MQTT broker's WebSocket listen port BrokerWSSPort = ":8904" # The MQTT broker's TLS WebSocket listen port MessagingAuthPort = ":8905" # The MQTT Auth broker's listen port MessagingAuthWSPort = ":8907" # The MQTT Auth broker's WebSocket listen port UseTLSMessaging = false # Use TLS for the MQTT broker UseTLSMessagingWS = false # Use TLS for the WebSocket MQTT broker UseTLSMessagingAuth = false # Use TLS for the MQTT Auth broker MaxPublishSize = 1e9 # Maximum MQTT publish packet size MessagingURL = "messaging.clearblade.com" # Used to configure the platform's external messaging URL. May be proxied AllowDuplicateClientId = false # Allow a duplicate client ID connection; kill the old connection with the same client ID EnforceMQTTKeepAlive = false # Explicitly enforce MQTT keep alive at the MQTT client level InitialReadTimeoutSeconds = 60 # How long a client has to send us data before we disconnect them UseModifiedErrorCodes = false # Use error code 5 when the JWT private key doesn't match the cert WriteTimeoutSeconds = 5 # Timeout for a socket write IgnorePermissionErrors = false # Allow clients to stay connected if they attempt to publish or subscribe to a topic they don't have perms for AllowRetainMessages = true # Allow clients to retain messages that get returned on future subscribes RetainMessageTTL = 0 # Cache TTL (# of seconds) for retained messages (0 is infinite) AddRandomToClientIds = false # Append random string to client IDs MaxConcurrentConnectsPerNode = -1 # Node limit on concurrent connection processing (only applies if >0) [MessageHistory] TimePeriodDeleteMsgHistory = 120 # Time interval to delete message history based on storage rules (seconds) EnableDeviceStateHistoryCleanup = false # Enables IoT Core device state history cleanup DeviceStateHistoryCleanupInterval = 1440 # Device state cleanup interval MinDeviceStatesToKeep = 10 # Minimum number of device states to keep [Metrics] ReportMetrics = false # Should we send metrics ReportIntervalHours = 24 # How often to send metrics MetricWebhook = "" # Where to send the metrics [Misc] MaxServiceCachesPerSystem = 11 # Max service caches per system UserCtxCacheTTLSeconds = 60 # TTL for user ctx cache [Profiler] Enabled = false # Is profiling enabled? NumGatherers = 5 # Number of profiling event gatherer goroutines GathererBufferSize = 51200 # Max number of profile events to cache before writing WriterType = "Local File System" # Type of profiler writer MaxDuration = "5m" # Maximum duration to run a profile. Specified as a duration string [Profiler.LocalFile] RootPath = "/tmp/cb_profiling" # Where to store the gathered profile info at run time [RPC] RPCTransport = "tcp" # Transport layer for RPC communications RPCPort = "8950" # Listen port for external RPC server. Used for edge-to-platform communication RPCPortInternal = "8952" # Listen port for internal RPC server. Used for node-to-node communication RPCTimeout = 120 # Timeout for all RPC calls within the platform or from platform to edge RPCKeepaliveInterval = 60 # Keepalive interval for RPC connections MaxRPCPacketSizeMB = 20 # Maximum RPC packet size, after which packets will be split into segments for transfer RPCSegmentSizeMB = 5 # Each RPC packet segment's size. Only set on the edge MaxInMemorySegmentStorageSizeMB = 100 # Maximum in memory segment storage size during data transfer, after which segments are stored in the database MaxSegmentStorageDays = 5 # Maximum number of days to store segments in the database EncoderDecoderType = "json" # RPC encoder decoder DataCompression = "lz4" # RPC data compression MaxInFlightWorkers = 100 # Maximum number of process message goroutines at a time per RPC client MaxProcessMessageQueue = 10000 # Maximum number of process message goroutines at a time per RPC client RPCMessageTrafficSeconds = 120 # Interval to dump and clear the RPC message traffic on a single node [Security] Key = "" # The TLS key file's location Cert = "" # The TLS cert file's location ExpireTokens = true # Set to invalidate user/device tokens issued more than the system's tokenTTL (defaults to 5 days) ExpireDevTokens = true # Set to invalidate developer tokens issued more than the instance's tokenTTL (defaults to 5 days) EnableMutualTLSAuth = false # Set to turn on mTLS auth for devices. mTLS endpoint will be turned on when this is set to true MaxSocketReadSizeMB = 500 # If data to be read on any socket exceeds this number, the client is disconnected MEKStorageLocation = "./" # The master encryption key's location [Sync] SyncOptimize = true # Optimizes the syncing process if set to true SyncOptimizeExceptions = "" # Exceptions for the sync optimization process SyncOptimizations = "" # List specific optimizations to run PerSystemOptimizerIntervalSeconds = 3600 # Interval to run the per system optimizer (currently only for collection items in inserts) AllowOverlappingDeployments= false # Set to true to disable overlapping deployment check (not recommended) [Triggers] MaxExecutors = 1024 # Maximum number of trigger executors running at one time

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