Azure IoT Edge module setup

This setup empowers users to run ClearBlade Edge as an IoT Edge module on Azure IoT Edge. It consists of these steps:

Deploy the edge on Azure

If the user has no device setup, they can follow the Azure instructions to deploy the IoT Edge and its modules on a virtual machine.

  • Click the Get it now action button on the Azure Marketplace, which redirects to the deployment page.

  • In the Deployment Modules section, click the configure button, which opens the custom configuration option.

  • Replace the following placeholders in the Container Create options. The developer must have an edge already created in their ClearBlade system.

The developers' system-specific edge values are in the tutorial instructions' Create section.

```javascript "Cmd": [ "-platform-ip=<PLATFORM_URL>", "-parent-system=<SYSTEM_KEY>", "-edge-id=<EDGE_ID>", "-edge-cookie=<EDGE_COOKIE>" ] "Cmd": [ "", "-parent-system=c694c6d30bf095c4d3b48c89dacf01", "-edge-id=azure-edge", "-edge-cookie=mx912P2429QC97708RFf65Kvj0L" ] ```
  • After updating the createOptions, click deploy to Azure IoT Edge device.

  • The sudo docker ps should list the running containers if the user creates and deploys the IoT Edge hub on a VM.

  • ClearBladeIoTEdgePlatform is the container name the user should be looking for.


To have a persistent edge database, the user can update the ClearBlade IoT Edge module deployment configuration options to add more flags to the Docker command.