Azure IoT Edge module setup

Azure IoT Edge module setup

This setup empowers users to run ClearBlade Edge as an IoT Edge module on Azure IoT Edge. It consists of these steps:

Deploy the edge on Azure

If the user has no device setup, they can follow the Azure instructions to deploy the IoT Edge and its modules on a virtual machine.

  • Click the Get it now action button on the Azure Marketplace, which redirects to the deployment page.

  • In the Deployment Modules section, click the configure button, which opens the custom configuration option.

  • Replace the following placeholders in the Container Create options. The developer must have an edge already created in their ClearBlade system.

The developers' system-specific edge values are in the tutorial instructions' Create section.

```javascript "Cmd": [ "-platform-ip=<PLATFORM_URL>", "-parent-system=<SYSTEM_KEY>", "-edge-id=<EDGE_ID>", "-edge-cookie=<EDGE_COOKIE>" ] "Cmd": [ "-platform-ip=platform.clearblade.com", "-parent-system=c694c6d30bf095c4d3b48c89dacf01", "-edge-id=azure-edge", "-edge-cookie=mx912P2429QC97708RFf65Kvj0L" ] ```
  • After updating the createOptions, click deploy to Azure IoT Edge device.

  • The sudo docker ps should list the running containers if the user creates and deploys the IoT Edge hub on a VM.

  • ClearBladeIoTEdgePlatform is the container name the user should be looking for.


To have a persistent edge database, the user can update the ClearBlade IoT Edge module deployment configuration options to add more flags to the Docker command.

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